DERQUIM®, cleaning agents for laboratory use
21/04/2020Keep your lab equipment clean and tidy with DERQUIM® from PanReac AppliChem. Please take a look to the whole product line in our new InfoPoint.
PanReac AppliChem on a TV show
17/04/2020Our product Sodium Acetate 3-Hydrate (Reag. USP) for analysis, ACS, ISO, code 131632, has been used on a TV show, "Tot es mou", to perform a crystallography experiment. The biologist and scientific popularizer Pere Renom shows us the characteristics of crystals, tells us what they have of spontaneous and surprises us...
Disinfectants in Germany
08/04/2020The Federal Agency for Chemicals has issued another general ruling: pharmacies in Germany are allowed to produce ethanol, chloramine-T and sodium hypochlorite-containing biocidal products for surface disinfection for distribution to professional users. Recipe 1: Ethanol 80% (v/v) in aqueous solution for the treatment of areas up to 2 m2, the exposure...